Yifan's Manuscript

Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, but arrogance is.

笔记 | 半监督学习


本章主要关注数据中一部分已标注,一部分未标注的情形,一般记为,\ D_l = {(x_1, y_1), …, (x_l, y_l)}, D_u = {x_{l+1}, …, x_{l+u}}\ \( y_i \in \lbrace-1, +1\rbrace \)。 13.1 未标记样本 一个简单的做法是主动学习:用 $D_l$ 先训练一个模型,拿这个模型去地里挑一个瓜,询问瓜农好...

Review | Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines

Goal Accelerate the computation of kernel matrix by directly approximating the kernel function. Map x into a low-dimension random feature space, $z: \mathcal { R } ^ { d } \rightarrow \mathcal { ...

A Trip in Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh -> State College -> Philadelphia -> Washington

Day 2 @ CMU The signature sculpture, ‘Walking to the Sky’ Painted Fence Hunt Library The sculpture of Dr. Yisheng Mao Gates Center for Computer Science ...

笔记 | 计算学习理论


本章主要讨论二分类问题,若无特别说明,\( y_i \in \lbrace-1, +1\rbrace \)。 12.1 基础知识 泛化误差:E(h), 预测不符的概率 经验误差:\( \hat{E}(h) \), 数据集上预测不符的频率 几个常用不等式: Jensen 不等式:期望的凸函数 f(E) <= 凸函数的期...

A Convenient Image Compression Tool -- Luban-Py

Very Close to the Efficacy of WeChat

Need for Convenient Compression Recently I began to operate my own blog, and I found a high-quality image in my blog is attractive, however it will take users much time to load it. In that case I ...

Github Pages 个人主页的配置


感谢Huxpro提供的博客模板 感谢BY的详细指导 本文的环境为 Windows 10 前置步骤 本文搭建的博客主要利用了 Github 提供的 Github Pages 服务,因此事先需要注册一个 Github 账号,并完成一系列配置。这一部分 BY 前辈写的比较详细了,可以直接参考他的博客中“快速开始”部分。 本地调试 本文主要介绍下在当前时间节点下(2018-07...