A Trip in Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh -> State College -> Philadelphia -> Washington

Posted by Yifan on December 30, 2018

Day 2


The signature sculpture, ‘Walking to the Sky’

Painted Fence

Hunt Library

The sculpture of Dr. Yisheng Mao

Gates Center for Computer Science

@ Downtown of Pittsburgh

State Point Park

Some Observation

We found at Christmas only Jew stores are open, and surprisingly on that day the Jew like to go to Chinese restaurants!

Day 3


Old Main Building

The street outside campus

Day 4

@ Penn Museum

The Six Steeds of Zhao Mausoleum (昭陵六骏)

@ UPenn

Day 5

@ Downtown of Philadelphia

City Hall

Independence Hall

@ Philadelphia Museum of Art

By Monet

Day 6

@ Lincoln Memorial

Gettysburg Address!

@ Washington Monument

Recommended by a warmhearted uber driver

@ Capitol Hill

Day 7

To take the airplane in Pittsburgh and save some time, I ordered a Greyhound night bus. However, something interesting happened… I never thought that that the bus would went back to last stop because of lack of fuel >~< Finally I stayed on the bus for 8 hours, really tired.

Bye-bye, Pittsburgh

Above Lake Michigan